Graphics.CannotRestoreSegmentProtAfterRelocPermissionDenied - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Cannot Restore Segment Prot After Reloc Permission Denied

When EDGE was started on a Centos machine with SELinux enabled, the following error message will be displayed: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

This is because the library is trying to do some things that the firewall think are "risky". This can be fixed by either explicitly making those libraries trusted, or by loweing the firwall security level so that that rule checking is not done.

To add libraries to the "safe list" use the chcon command, for example:

chcon -t lib_t /path/to/LIBS/

To disable SELinux via comandline (as root):

setenforcing 0

To adjust SELinux using a GUI, start at the menu panel and navigate: System→ Admininstration → Security and Firewall. Once that box is open, select the SELinux tab to change security level.