Walkthrough - lordmizel/ZorkClone GitHub Wiki


The main objective of the game is to capture a monster and defeat a trainer with it. And it just so happens that there's only one trainer other than the player in the whole game. The game is pretty straight-forward, but there are some red herrings in the form of items or even commands that will not work or, in the worst case, will actually hurt the player.

In order to win, the following steps must be taken:

  • The player must find the professor.
  • The player must obtain a capsule from the professor.
  • The player must catch a monster with the capsule.
  • The player must challenge Larry to a Zorkemon battle and win.

The battle is a simple rock-paper-scissors challenge that actually gives the player hints on what to choose. However, if the player has not read the book in the bedroom, he might have no idea about what is going on. Basically, there's three types of attacks: STRONG, FAST and SNEAKY. The relationship between them is as follows:

  • STRONG beats FAST.
  • FAST beats SNEAKY.
  • SNEAKY beats STRONG.

By choosing the correct type of attack three times, the player will win and receive a congratulatory message, though he can still play and talk to the NPCs who will then have different dialogues.


Here's a list of all the commands necessary in order to beat the game:

  • (Optional) Grab book from bookcase
  • (Optional) Use book
  • Go down
  • Go town
  • Go backyard
  • Grab key
  • Go town
  • Go warehouse
  • Talk professor
  • Go town
  • Go lab
  • Talk professor (This will give the player the CAPSULE item)
  • Go town
  • Go backyard
  • Use capsule on [monster name] (The name of the monster is random. This will capture the monster)
  • Go town
  • Talk larry

This will start the battle event. In order to win, one must remember STRONG beats FAST, FAST beats SNEAKY, and SNEAKY beats STRONG. The text during battle actually tells you which stance your opponent is going to use:

  • If the monster is popping a vein, that means it's using a STRONG attack: Type SNEAKY
  • If the monster is skipping around, that means it's using a FAST attack: Type STRONG
  • If the monster has a glint in it's eyes, that means it's using a SNEAKY attack: Type FAST

The player has to win three times in order for Larry's monster to faint. Once the player wins, he'll have won the game, though he can still go around the town and talk to the rest of NPCs who will offer their congratulations.