Commands - lordmizel/ZorkClone GitHub Wiki
Here is a list of all the commands the player can use in the game.
Quits the game.
Shows the player inventory.
If used alone, it will describe the current room and everything in it. If an object name is added, it will
describe said object. The player can use this on objects contained in the room or on items currently in
the inventory.
Allows the player to move between rooms.
Allows the player to talk to NPCs.
Allows the player to try and attack an NPC or monster.
Allows the player to grab an object from the room if possible. If the object is contained inside another
object, the format "GRAB [X] FROM [Y]" must be used.
Allows the player to put an object that's in the inventory inside another object if possible.
Allows the player to drop an object currently in the inventory.
Allows the player to use an item currently in the inventory. Some of them must be used on other objects
in order for them to have any effect.
Strong / Fast / Sneaky
These three commands only have effect in battle. They determine which battle stance you want your monster
to take in it's next attack.