Installation - lordlinks/Chess_Fundamentals GitHub Wiki

Where To begin

Text Editor

While not necessary it often helpful to have an editor so you can see the effects of your changes. The one I used for this project was called Texmaker however there are many others and they all serve the same basic function.


Clone the whole repository to a directory on your computer. The only files which are strictly necessary for the project are;

  • chess_funamentals.tex
  • Image
    • Ttl_Img.JPG

If you want to compile a PDF from the tex file yourself read on but know you will also need the following fonts;

  • Firasans
  • Cinzel These need to be installed on windows or added to your /usr/share/fonts/ folder on a unix based OS.

Compiling the PDF

There are some things which are a little special you need to know before you can just pump out an updated PDF from the code. First is that typesetting should be done with he XeTeX typesetting engine.

Additionally you will need to have the following packages added to your typesetting chain.

  • chessboard
  • pifont
  • pgfcore
  • skak
  • wrapfig
  • titlesec
  • titling
  • fontspec
  • graphicx

Running Texmaker on windows will by default install these on demand when you attempt to compile the document. If you are running on linux the easiest way is to install the full texlive packages. If you are running a Debian based system the easiest way to do this is by running sudo apt install texlive-full on other distrobutions you will have to find out if you are running MikTex or Livetex as your userpackage manager and download packages appropriately for either of these system.