Debug Tools - lopspower/CleanRxArchitecture GitHub Wiki
Type | Name |
Logs | Timber |
HTTP requests | Chuck |
Database Inspector | Stetho |
Dependencies version | Gradle versions plugin |
Log Unit Tests | Gradle test logger plugin |
Don't forget to remove your debug logs on your application in production. You probably already know this library, if it's not the case I strongly invite you to use it.
Chuck is a simple in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients. Chuck intercepts and persists all HTTP requests and responses inside your application. It also provides UI for inspecting their content.

Stetho is a powerful library created by Facebook with many tools. I mainly use it when I need to analyze the database.
To do this, inspect your device on chrome with the following link: chrome://inspect/#devices

However, since version 4.1 of Android Studio we are lucky to have a Database Inspector tool directly integrated into the IDE which allows us to do the same but more easily:

Plugin Gradle versions:
This is probably the plugin I use the most. It allows in a command line to check that the libraries currently used in the application are up to date.
./gradlew dependencyUpdates

You can also configure the update strategy to keep only release versions this way:
dependencyUpdatesStrategy = {
componentSelection { rules ->
rules.all { ComponentSelection selection ->
boolean rejected = ['alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'cr', 'm'].any { qualifier ->
selection.candidate.version ==~ /(?i).*[.-]${qualifier}[.\d-]*/
if (rejected) {
selection.reject('Release candidate')
Plugin Gradle test logger:
Last but not least, this plugin improves the display of your unit test results.
It is very practical especially when you have to analyze the results in CI.