Features - lopez86/PyWIMPs GitHub Wiki
Astronomy and Particle Physics (astro and xsec modules)
- Basic cross section model
- Several form factors for both spin-independent and spin-dependent interactions
- Standard halo model velocity distribution
- Halo mean direction and velocity
- Nucleus to nucleon normalization
Limit and interval setting (limits module)
- Poisson frequentist upper limit (no background)
- Feldman-Cousins confidence interval (known background rate)
- CLs limits in a counting experiment.
Detector effects (det module)
- Basic efficiency models: constant and logistic
- Basic response models: ideal detector and Gaussian energy resolution
- Experiment class to hold detector and physics models
Monte Carlo-based sampling (mc module)
- Weighted samples using uniform velocity throws
- Weighted samples drawing from a Maxwellian (Gaussian) velocity distribution
- Unweighted samples using rejection sampling
- Unweighted samples using a Markov chain with the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
Note: All of these are designed to be used with the standard cross section and halo models here. They may not work with alternative models.
- Some code to start training an MCMC model
- Some code to compare the different sampling methods
- An example of an annual modulation curve (threaded and unthreaded versions)
- Inelastic dark matter scattering (small splitting between dark matter WIMPs and an excited state)
- Coherent elastic neutrino scattering
- Likelihood fitting of parameters
- Bayesian limits
- Maximum gap limits (Yellen 2002)
- Model-independent annual modulation analysis
- Spectrum and skymap plots
- Cross section limit plots
- Some ideas for daily modulation (directional) limits
- Documentation - Explanation of physics, math, and stats used
Possible ambitious future project:
Toy simulation of a xenon TPC detector. Simulate a recoil and use geometry to assign hits to arrays of PMTs. Use machine learning techniques to calculate hit energies and positions (or at least a binary inside/outside fiducial volume)