Usage - loomne/AutoJunk_cpp_csharp GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the AutoJunk_cpp_csharp wiki! (For Version 0.5.7)
First, download autojunk.exe.
(How to download:
Than put it in your folder, where is your project written in (C++ or C#) located.
Than run the application.
(Answer the question with 1 for writting log files, 2 for no.) However, if you write bigger number than 3, it will be turned on, and also, if you dont write number.
After answering this question, you will see this messages. (How many C++ files has been found, How many C# Files has been found, and if are engines loaded successfuly.)
Then you got a next question, how many times you want to add junk code. (It doesnt matters, after version 0.5.0, in old version you cant write big numbers (like 456465456) but in this, you can also 46554646545664564564546546).
I write for example 10.
Than, you will see simple console log.
If you see a green message, it was successful, and now is junk code successful added.