New Features Ideas - longle97/GameDesign GitHub Wiki
Jake's Ideas
- Player can change colour scheme of ships & game (eg. background colour)
- Deployment screen to have its own music
Esther's Ideas
- allowing players to see the ships they have destroyed, since the game already tells you when you have sunken it
- Option to go back to main menu when on ship placement screen
- volume control
- option to forfeit
- option to change difficulty on ship placement screen
- option to pick who goes first
- allow more than three letters of name on high score screen
- Game menu icons currently not user friendly and could be larger
- Option to save and load games
- Redesigned main menu with easier to use interface.
Long's Ideas
- Resizable window/resolution
- Marked coordinated on axis
- Turn music and sound effects on/off individually
- Player's ships displayed instead of boxes when playing
- Turn number
- Last move indicator by player/AI