Issues - longle97/GameDesign GitHub Wiki

Deployment Screen

  • [JACOB] Selected ship is placed 3 units below where player clicks
  • [JACOB] Play button doesn't work if last error was 'ship does not fit on board', even if the ship does now fit.
  • [ESTHER] When clicking arrows, the arrows sometimes remove the ship from the board / doesn't shift it
  • [ESTHER] Clicking in top right tiles when placing ships removes the play button
  • [ESTHER] error sound is played sometimes when resetting ship placement


  • [LONG] Fps counter information is cut off
  • [ESTHER] When a player clicks on the square that was already hit, it registers the hit when it shouldn't.
  • [ESTHER] AI is always set on hard difficulty


  • [ESTHER] Game does not save high scores if player exits
  • [ESTHER] error in gitBash that 'siren.wav' is missing when clicking quit
  • [ESTHER] Winner and loser of the game is sometimes not displayed
  • [ESTHER] high score screen has a limit of only three letters for recording, but when typing only displays two