Files - longle97/GameDesign GitHub Wiki
This is a list of the files used in the project and their descriptions.
src folder:
Controls the player's actions during the deployment phase:
- select and deploy ships
- change ship direction
- end deployment
Handles the battle phase:
- handles input during the discovery phase
- if the mouse is clicked that location is 'attacked'
- determines whether attack was successful or not
Manages interactions at the end of a game:
- shows win/lose ratio
- Shows high score
Controls the game, user input and displays current state of the game:
- start a new game
- exit game
- creates AI
- refreshes grid after changes
- waits for attacks to complete and displays results/sound
- switches from deployment mode to battle mode
- AI attacks
- checks results of attacks from AI and player
- reads key and mouse input depending on state of game
- change from different game states
- sets level difficulty
Opens up the graphics window and loads the resources
Populates the window with custom font, images and sounds
Represents the state of the battleship game play. Determines what the player is doing:
- viewing the main menu
- viewing the game menu
- viewing the high scores
- editing settings
- deploying, discovering or ending the game
- quitting the game
Responsible for displaying and collecting high score information:
- keeps the player name and score together
- scores are compared for scorting
- high scores are loading from a text file
- high scores are saved into the text file
- checks whether a player's score is a high score and displays it
Handles the drawing and user interactions from the game menus:
- text captions for menu items
- draws the main menu, game menu and settings menu to the screen
- draws buttons associated with menus
- determines if a mouse is over one of the menu buttons, and whether it has been clicked
- displays different menus depending on which button is clicked
Methods for drawing and interacting with the mouse:
- determines if the mouse is in a certain rectangle, and checks the position
- draws the player's grid and ships
- draws a field using the grid and the player's ships
- draws a field showing attacks made and player ships' locations
Model folder
Hard level AI:
- AI knows more than other levels
- will try to destroy a ship when it has found 2 ship tiles
- two AI states, searching for a ship and targeting the ship
- generate appropriate coordinates
Medium level AI:
- same processes for hard level AI
Shows different AI levels in an enumeration:
- Easy - total random shooting
- Medium - marks squares around hits
- Hard - marks squares around hits but removes shots once it misses
A type of player that can randomly deploy ships, generate coordinates and shoot at tiles:
- stores the location of last hit made, which determines difficulty
- simulate think time by waiting a short period (SwinGame.Delay)
Shows the results after a shot has been made:
- result of attack
- description of results
- where attack occurred
Adds two players to the game, makes sure all ships are deployed before starting:
- checks if players are destroyed
- allows players to shoot and swap turns
- notification of end of attack from player or AI
- sound effect when attack is completed
- assigns each player the other's grid as the enemy grid
- game exits when all ships are destroyed
Enumeration of the orientation of the ships:
- LeftRight
- UpDown
Defines the read only interface of the grid:
- allows each player to see and attack their opponent's grid
- marks indicated tile as shot
Player has own grid, can see opponent's grid:
- check if all ships are deployed and if all ships are destroyed
- sets the enemy player's grid
- tracks the number of shots the player has made
- tracks total number of shots missed
- place ships
Enumeration list of results:
- hit - the player hit something
- miss - the player missed
- destroyed - the player destroyed a ship
- shotalready - the location was already shot
- gameover - the player killed all opponent's ships
The grid which the ships are deployed:
- width and height of the seagrid
- if the seagrid changes, it is redrawn
- number of ships killed
- checks if all ships are deployed
- allow ships to be placed on the grid
- add a ship to the seagrid
- shows results of tiles that are hit
Allows for change in a sea grid view:
- causes grid to be redrawn
- changes view from ship tile to sea tile
- widths and height of tile
Details about the ship:
- name and size
- number of hits taken
- location
- add tile adds the ship tile
- clears tile back to sea tile
- type of ship
- number of cells a ship occupies
- records if ship is deployed
enumeration of names of ships:
- None = 0
- Tug = 1
- Submarine = 2
- Destroyer = 3
- Battleship = 4
- AircraftCarrier = 5
- knows its location on the grid
- knows if it is a ship
- knows if it has been shot before
- check if there is a ship and add ship to a tile
- remove ship from tile
- tell the grid what the tile is
- allows a tile to be shot at
- throws error if tile has been hit before
Enumeration for values that are visible for a given tile:
- sea - the viewer can see sea, may be masking a ship if viewed via sea adapter
- miss - the viewer knows a site was attacked but nothing was hit
- ship - the viewer can see a ship at this site
- hit - the viewer knows the site was attacked and something was hit
Resource Folder
keeps track of high scores within the game for display in all games
SwinGame for Macintosh
SwinGame for Windows
animations folder
animation for loading screen
animation for startup screen
bundles folder
File dialog for bundles
part of loading screen animation
fonts folder
title screen font
font for score screen and game font
main menu font
images folder
these images make up the main title screen
- main_page.jpg
- discover.jpg
- deploy.jpg
these images are used as the buttons on the deployment screen:
- deploy_dir_button_horiz.png
- deploy_dir_button_vert.png
- deploy_button_hl.png
- deploy_play_button.png
- deploy_randomize_button.png
these images to create the ships
- all images starting with "ship_deploy"
loading screen
these images create the loading screen:
- SplashBack.png
- SwinGameAni.jpg
- loader_full.png
- loader_empty.png
FileDialog pictures
these images make up the file dialog
- fdFile.png
- fdFolder.png
- all images starting with "FileDialog"
explosion effects
these images create the explosion effects
- explosion.png
- splash.png
panels folder
file dialog for panels
sounds folder
sound played during a player control error
sound played when a player makes a hit in-game
main background music
sound made when a player has lost
sound made when a player has sunken a ship
loading screen music
sound played when a player misses
sound played when a player wins
Possible Files not in use
- "deploy_dir_button_horiz.jpg" and "deploy_dir_button_vert.jpg" have the same image. Possible to remove one and split the other image into two
- "Swinburne.jpg" not in use
- "explosion.jpg" only uses one part of its image
- "spash.jpg" only uses one part of its image
- "SwinGameStart.wav" wav version of the .ogg file
- "SwinGameAni.png" png file of a jpg file
- "siren.wav" implemented but does not exist in the resources folder
- "FileDialog.txt" buttons described not being used / have no images
- "AIEasy.vb" used but non-existent. probably needs to be created
- fdfile/fdfolder and associated images are not being used for anything
- All FileDialogs files are not being used