Workbench User Guide Concepts Team programming with CVS - longkai/ GitHub Wiki
Turn Off Performance Hogs! Windows® users know this age old theory: The more software you install on your PC, the slower it gets. Now, instead of uninstalling programs (you might need them later, right?), we’ve got another way of doing things with TuneUp Utilities™ and its “Program Deactivator” feature! It stops all power-sapping programs – no matter how many you’ve got installed! Here’s how easily it works:
1. In TuneUp Utilities™ 2014 go to the “Optimize” category and click on the Program Deactivator.
- You’ll see all your installed programs listed in order of their load on your system.
If you don’t really need them on a daily basis, just flip the switch to deactivate them!
- When you’ve finished, restart your machine!
You’ll notice a big difference in performance – programs will start faster and everything will feel a bit snappier!