Meeting Summaries - loldevs/leaguespec GitHub Wiki
Saturday, September 13, 2014
state of libOL ( @toulouse / @satan6 )
introduction & state of jayce ( ?? @Boreeas can't be there :( )
Summary since I'm not there: Common file format needed, decision ended up being 7z/LZMA2. File contains metadata as plain json file, plus two directories chunks and keyframes containing raw decrypted and decompressed files in the form 1.bin, 2.bin, 3.bin, ...
jayce implements this on basis of riotapi. Offers cmd-line options (--no-gui, --infile [f], --game "[region] [id] [key]", --featured), plus optional gui, so should be easily usable from outside programs. files are saved as [region]-[gameid].7z. more or less functional (infile not supported yet, gui doesn't actually show any output, but loading games works), but needs a lot of work rounding off the edges.
state of leaguespec ( ?? @satan6 ?)
In particular, figure out a unified way of writing down packets
IRC-Bot: yes, no, what features? ( ?? )
move lol-observer out of loldevs (not good maintained, deprecated, bad quality) (@themasch)
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Keep single-repo model; centralization is good for now
Reference implementation: yes
C, C++, Java considered
Explicit goal: portability/reusability
Low-profile C++ (i.e. minimal dependencies, avoid crazy magic)
Return to the question if unforeseen complexities arise
Try to get more people involved?
Focus on reference implementation
Have something to show for the effort before fostering more interest
Chat logs:
Summaries public
Detailed discussion: you're welcome to lurk moar
Does working on this stuff put us at risk?
Probably not
Expectation that if Riot has issues they won't swiftly and unexpectedly bring down the banhammer
Decision not final until we've had a chance to discuss this on a GH issue
Code: MIT? ISC? BSD?
Docs: "whatever you want"? GPL? No license (except not holding liable)? Other?
Not a lot of people really know the detailed legal implications, some abstentions
GPL, and an obligatory beer if you meet up with one of the devs