Contributing to the codebase - lokothodida/ckeditor-plugin-template GitHub Wiki

This template was developed simply by my own experiences with writing CKEditor plugins. There may of course be vastly superior ways of setting up a CKEditor plugin, and if you know of these ways, then you are completely welcome to make these changes to the template (be it fixing a bug or adding a feature). Please ensure that you follow the below guidelines.


  1. Fork the repository over to your own account.

  2. Checkout master, ensure that it is up to date*, then checkout a new branch with a brief but suitable name for the changes you are making (e.g. add-feature-x)

  3. Make the changes on that branch, ideally with a healthy number of commits to show the progress made.

  4. Make a pull request, describing the changed made with the following structure (you may copy-paste it and edit where appropriate):

    ## Who worked on this update
    [insert collaborators]
    ## Describe main features added/changed
    1. [insert feature]
    2. [insert feature]
    ## What version of the template was edited (or give the commit id)
    [insert version]
    ## What changes to the documentation will be needed
    [insert changes]
  5. If the changes are suitable, they will be merged into the master branch and included as a new release.

( * ) to ensure master is up to date on your fork, do not use git pull. Please do the following:

$ git checkout master
$ git status               // see if there are any unstaged changes
$ git fetch
$ git reset origin/master
$ git reset --hard         // overwrites local master branch with files from remote branch

Code guidelines

  • Spaces for indentation as opposed to tabs.
  • Provide documentation in the code for any new methods or variables introduced
  • Comment on any and all logic which may not be explicitly clear. Where possible, verbose variable/method names are welcome.
  • Avoid non-descriptive names for variables/methods unless they are for short control structures (e.g. i for for or while loops).
  • Adding to the examples and showing more advanced and extensive/creative use is wholly appreciated.
  • When in doubt, look at the existing codebase for guidance.