Field Types - lokothodida/DM_Matrix GitHub Wiki

The following Field types are available in TheMatrix.

  • text - regular text field.
  • password - encodes the value when saved using sha1 and values are hidden with *** in the field).
  • int - numeric field.
  • email - text field with HTML5 validation for email addresses.
  • url - text field with HTML5 validation for URLs.
  • textlong - longer text field (automatically takes a class that looks like a title in the admin panel (like Page Titles).
  • textarea - textarea field (useful for larger amounts of data to be held).
  • tags - textarea configured for tags.
  • slug - text field that slugifies the content once the data is saved.
  • pages - dropdown with the slug of the existing pages.
  • users - dropdown with a list of the current GetSimple users.
  • template - dropdown with a list of the current templates for the current theme.
  • themes - dropdown with a list of the currently installed themes.
  • components - dropdown with a list of the existing components.
  • datetimelocal - datetime-local text field (easy date and time picking - replaced datepicker and datetimepicker).
  • dropdown - dropdown takes values from another existing table. You must select a field column as well (the options will correspond to the column values).
  • dropdowncustom - lets you define a custom dropdown list (you specify the options).
  • checkbox - lets you define multiple options for checkboxes
  • bbcodeeditor - gives a text editor (MarkItUp) geared for BBCode markup (useful for comments, forums, etc...)
  • wikieditor - gives a text editor (MarkItUp) geared for Wiki markup
  • markdowneditor - gives a text editor (MarkItUp) geared for Markdown (markup)
  • wysiwyg - gives a rich HTML text editor (CKEditor)
  • codeeditor - gives a code editor with syntax highlighting (CodeMirror)
  • imagepicker - gives a 'Browse' button to let you pick images existing on the server (CKEditor)
  • filepicker - gives a 'Browse' button to let you pick files existing on the server (CKEditor)