Custom Special Pages Example - lokothodida/DM_Matrix GitHub Wiki
This is a brief walkthrough on how to set up custom pages utilizing your own custom fields. This is by no means a replacement for the existing GetSimple Custom Fields or Special Pages plugins, but merely an example of what can be done using The Matrix. Ideally, one would modify this example to suit a very specific need, and also to further understand how best to optimize their use of the plugin. This example necessitates a hook to the 404 error page, which is best achieved either through having your own plugin file or with components using Shawn_A's Component Hook plugin.
Build a table with the following properties
- Name: pages
- Name: title, Type: textlong
- Name: slug, Type: slug
- Name: tags, Type: tags
- Name: template, Type: template
- Name: parent, Type: parent
- Name: date, Type: datetimelocal
- Name: content, Type: wysiwyg
- Max Records: 0
class DummyCustomPage {
/* method called on 404 hook to display page content
public function showPage() {
// initialize global variables and The Matrix
global $id, $data_index;
$mat = new TheMatrix;
$page = $mat->query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE slug = '$id'", "SINGLE");
// display the details if $page produces an array
if (!empty($page)) {
$data_index->title = $page['title'];
$data_index->date = $page['date'];
$data_index->metak = $page['tags'];
$data_index->meta = '';
$data_index->url = $page['slug'];
$data_index->content = $page['content'];
$data_index->parent = $page['parent'];
$data_index->template = $page['template'];
$data_index->private = '';
/* admin panel
public function admin() {
# load class
# instantiate class
$dummy_custom_page = new DummyCustomPage;
# register plugin
'Dummy Custom Page',
array($dummy_custom_page, 'admin')
# actions/hooks
add_action('error-404', array($dummy_custom_page, 'showPage'));
Adding extra fields can be done just as you would add any other Matrix table field. Implementing the field is slightly trickier. The below modifications to the class will solve the problem. We modify the class to load the content structured as we specify (in a template file in your 'dummy_custom_page/' directory) then create the template.
Example of extra fields:
- Name: category, Type: dropdowncustom
- Name: author, Type: users
if (!empty($page)) {
// start output buffering to store template file
// load content from buffer and store in variable
$data_index->content = ob_get_contents();
<div class="published">
Published by
<span class="author"><?php echo $page['author']; ?></span> in
<span class="category"><?php echo $page['category']; ?></span>
<?php echo $page['content']; ?>