Content Slider Example - lokothodida/DM_Matrix GitHub Wiki

This is a brief walk-through on how to set up a simple content slider (this can be configured to make it an image gallery, a news carousel etc...).

Data structure

Build a table with the following properties

  • Name: slider
  • Fields:
    • Name: title, Type: textlong
    • Name: image, Type: imagepicker
    • Name: tags, Type: tags
    • Name: content, Type: wysiwyg
  • Max Records: 0

Display the slides

This assumes that you have some sort of Javascript loaded to do the sliding for you. This example uses TinyCarousel.

  // initialize slides
  $slides = $var->query("SELECT * FROM slider ORDER BY id DESC");
  $slides = $var->formatQuery($slides, 'slider');

<script src="path/to/jquery.tinycarousel.js"></script>

  #slider {}
  #slider .viewport {}
  #slider .buttons {}
  #slider .next {}
  #slider .disable {}
  #slider .overview {}
  #slider .overview li {}

<div id="slider">
  <a class="buttons prev" href="#">left</a>
    <div class="viewport">
      <ul class="overview">
      <?php foreach ($slider as $slide) { ?>
          <img src="<?php echo $slide['image']; ?>" />
          <div class="text">
            <h3 class="title"><?php echo $slide['title']; ?></h3>
            <span class="tags"><?php echo $slide['tags']; ?></span>
            <span class="content"><?php echo $slide['content']; ?></span>
      <?php } ?>
  <a class="buttons next" href="#">right</a>
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