Contact Form Example - lokothodida/DM_Matrix GitHub Wiki

This is a brief walkthrough on how to set up a basic feedback form. Visitors can submit queries that can then be viewed in the back-end of the site (via The Matrix tab in the table view).

Data structure

Build a table with the following properties

  • Name: contact
  • Fields:
    • Name: title, Type: textlong
    • Name: email, Type: email
    • Name: date, Type: datetimelocal, Read Only: readonly, Visibility: Invisible in form
    • Name: content, Type: bbcodeeditor
  • Max Records: 0

Displaying the form

    $success = $var->createRecord('contact', $_POST);
    if ($success) echo '<p class="success">Success! Your message has been sent.</p>';
    else          echo '<p class="error">Error! Your message has not been sent. Try again later.</p>';

<form method="post">
  <?php $var->displayForm('contact'); ?>
  <button>Submit Form</button>

Displaying the form

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️