1.2.0 All Supported Commands - lokokung/Starburst-Front-End-Control-System GitHub Wiki

Command Table

Command Worker Parameters Description
BRICKCAL Brick-Worker Runs the calibration routine in order to set up the motor counts to be consistent with measurements.
BRICKHALT {motor_num} Routine to kill a motor and reset it so that it can be moved again as necessary. This does not immediately stop the motors, rather it brakes them and resets them.
BRICKMOVE {motor_num} {abs_pos} Routine to move a designated motor to an absolute position. The value associated with the absolute position is in physical units rather than motor counts. In other words, for motor 1 and 4, the units is mm and for motor 3 the units is in degrees.
BRICKOFF {motor_num} {offset} Routine to move a designated motor by some offset. The value of offsets is in physical units.
BRICKLOC {pos_1} {pos_3} {pos_4} Routine to move all three motors to an absolute position in physical units.
BRICKANGLE {angle} Routine to move motor 3 to an absolute angle.
BRICKRESET Routine to reset the GeoBrick.
OUTLET PDU-Worker {out_num} {on/off} Turns the designated outlet number on (1) or off (0).
ND-ON Turns the noise diode on.
ND-OFF Turns the noise diode off.