List of Special Abilities and Unique Abilities - loizuf/MME_Blob2D_Puzzle_Plattformer GitHub Wiki
Special Abilities
Helicopter Form
- Green Blob: Controls horizontal direction of movement via default movement keys
- Red Blob: Controls vertical direction of movement via alternatively mashing of two buttons
Slingshot Form
- Green Blob: Controls direction of the shot
- Red Blob: Controls force of the shot
Sphere Form
- Green Blob and Red Blob combine to one Sphere
- Faster vertical movement
- Can break specially marked walls
- Can roll over spikes
Bridge Form
- Green Blob and Red Blob combine to one long rectangle (5 tiles)
- Can close gaps
- Can climb up on either side
- (May have objects roll over them for use on the other side of a gap)
Unique Abilities
- Gets reworked from its current state
- Green Blob activates it whenever he likes
- Green Blob gets 2 tiles wide
- Red Blob activates it whenever he likes
- Red Blob streches to 4 tiles once Green Blob stands on him