Customization - loicoudot/java4cpp-core GitHub Wiki
Java4cpp use FreeMarker templates to generate source code. In the templates xml files, for each customized Java class, you can specify a list of FreeMarker templates files that will be used by java4cpp to generate corresponding source code.
For example, base-templates.xml define for all non customized Java class two FreeMarker template files:
When these templates files are evaluated by FreeMarker, the available data-model associated will be as follow:
cppFormatter: a macro to use for formatting generated code in a C++ style manner
class: a
data-model containing all informations about the Java class being analyzed.
- ClassType type: all the informations about the type of the Java class.
- List<ClassModel> parameters: For parameterized type, contains the parameterized ClassModel.
- ClassContent content: all the informations about the content of the class i.e. constructors, methods, fields, inner classes etc.
For example, while analyzing a java.util.List<java.util.Properties>
, type contains informations about java.util.List<java.util.Properties>
, parameters is a ClassModel of java.util.Properties
, and content contains informations of constructors and methods of java.util.List
data-model containing all information about the type parts of a Java class.
- String javaName: the full name of the Java class i.e. "java.lang.Double".
- boolean isPrimitive: returns true for primitive int, boolean, double, etc.
- boolean isEnum: returns true for enums.
- boolean isArray: returns true for arrays.
- boolean isInterface: returns true for interfaces.
- boolean isInnerClass: returns true for inner classes.
- boolean isThrowable: returns true if classes extends
. - boolean isCheckedException: returns true for checked exception classes.
- boolean isCloneable: returns true if classes extends java.lang.Cloneable`.
- boolean isAbstract: returns true for abstract classes.
- String cppFullName: returns the full name of the corresponding C++ name after applying name mappings i.e. "java::lang::Object".
- String cppShortName: returns the name of the corresponding C++ name without the namespace i.e. "Object".
- ClassModel owner: For inner classes, contains the ClassModel of the owning Java class, for others contains the same ClassModel.
- String javaSignature: returns the JNI signature i.e. "Ljava/lang/Object;", "double", "[Double" etc.
- String jniSignature: returns the JNI types i.e. "jobject", "jarray", "jdouble" etc.
- String jniMethodName: returns the name for the JNI APIs (CallxxxMethods, GetStaticxxxFields) "Object", "Int".
- String cppType: returns the name of the corresponding C++ type i.e. "double", "const java::lang::Object&", "const std::string&", "boost::optional", etc.
- String cppReturnType: return the name of the corresponding C++ type for return parameters i.e. "double", "java::lang::Object", "std::string", "boost::optional", etc.
- ClassModel innerType: for arrays, returns the ClassModel of the next nested type i.e. double for double[], int[] for int[][] etc.
- ClassModel finalInnerType: for arrays, returns the ClassModel of the final type i.e. double for double[], int for int[][] etc.
- Map functions: returns a list of custom functions that are defined in the template.xml files. Used to delegate the generation of the translation source code inside each type definition.
- TemplateMethod addIncludes: a method that can be called to add a list of header files to includes.
- TemplateMethod addDependencies: a method that can be called to add a dependency.
- Set<String> includes: lists all the needed includes header files.
- Set<ClassModel> dependencies: lists all the ClassModel class that this class need.
data-model containing all information about the content parts of a Java class.
- ClassModel superclass: returns the ClassModel of the corresponding superclass, null if none.
- List<ClassModel> interfaces: returns the list of ClassModel for interfaces implemented by the class.
- List<ClassModel> nestedClass: returns the list of ClassModel for classes declared inside the class.
- List<ConstructorModel> constructors: returns the list of ConstructorModel for mapped constructors.
- List<FieldModel> staticFields: returns the list of FieldModel for mapped fields.
- List<MethodModel> methods: returns the list of MethodModel for mapped methods.
- List<String> enumKeys: for enums, returns the list of declared values.
data-model for a constructor.
- List<ClassModel> parameters: returns the list of ClassModel corresponding to the parameters of the constructor.
data-model for a field.
- String javaName: returns the java name of the fields.
- String cppName: returns the corresponding cpp name after applying name mappings.
- ClassModel type: returns the ClassModel of the field type class.
data-model for a method.
- String javaName: returns the java name of the method.
- String cppName: returns the corresponding cpp name after applying name mappings.
- boolean isStatic: returns true for static method.
- ClassModel returnType: returns the ClassModel of the return type.
- List<ClassModel> parameters: returns the list of ClassModel corresponding to the parameters of the method.