User Guide - logitopia/jmortar-core-persistence GitHub Wiki
A guide on implementing the JMortar persistence in your software project!
In order to make use of this library you should import the JAR using your favourite dependency manager.
Note: All JMortar artefacts are stored in our open source Bintray (JMortar Release).
repositories {
maven {
url ""
compile 'com.logitopia:jmortar-core-persistence:1.0.0'
This fits pretty much everyone's purposes. All you need to do is annotate your model, add in the builder setup and configure your database connection. Job done! If that sounds like your thing … read on!
This tutorial assumes you are setting up your beans using Spring.
Simply add the relevant persistent implementation annotation to your model class.
public class Car {
private String vin;
private String make;
Note: If the persistence method you want to use requires annotations, then you should add them on top of the persistent model ones.
Add the following component scan to your spring context. This will scan for the annotation scanner and persistent builder components you need to create your Data Access Objects.
<!-- Scan for builder components -->
com.logitopia.jmortar.core.persistence.dao.builder, com.logitopia.jmortar.core.object.annotation"/>
Just need to add the relevant database resources to allow your Data Access Objects to perform persistence operations.
IMPORTANT: Check the API for the default bean names for your database resources if you don’t plan on overriding them with the annotation parameters.
So, this approach isn't as quick as the one above. It requires you manually configuring your DAO and DAC beans. Why would I want to do this? Well maybe you don't want to annotate your POJO or maybe you are doing debugging and you want to test a fixed configuration. Either way, here is how you get the job done.
Ensure that you have setup the dependency as detailed in the section above.
The first step is to manually add the data access components you want to use for your model. This guide assumes that you are using Spring IO to setup your dependencies. Here is an example configuration in a Spring XML context.
Readable Data Access Controller
<bean id="reportReadable" class="com.logitopia.platform.core.persistence.dao.component.impl.ReadableDynamoDBDataAccessComponentImpl">
<constructor-arg ref="queryFactory"/>
<constructor-arg ref="resource"/>
Fig 1: Create the readable DAC
Writable Data Access Controller
<bean id="reportWriteable"
<constructor-arg ref="resource"/>
Fig 2: Create the writable DAC
The next step is to add the data access object and calibrate it to reference the desired data access components.
Report Data Access Object
<bean id="reportDAO" class="com.logitopia.platform.core.persistence.dao.impl.DataAccessObjectImpl">
<constructor-arg ref="reportReadable"/>
<constructor-arg ref="reportWriteable"/>
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.Class"
Fig3: Create the data access object
As with the easy step, setup your persistence beans and wire them up to your data access controllers.
All done! You can now use your data access object to read and write data.