POS track - lockefox/EVE-Prosper GitHub Wiki
Moon Mining requires a wide network of player owned stations (POS) to harvest resources and combine both basic raw materials, and reacted intermediates, to create the majority materials in T2 production. Since assets can be spread far and wide, and EVE lacks a good in-game tool to track progress, and there is a complete lack of public web tools for the desired functionality, there was a void to fill.
This is an exercise in basic Python tools. The work here will be reapplied back to Prosper as API processing tools are refined. Also, the hope is to add user account tools to this app so public access can be opened up and this can be provided as a service to the greater playerbase.
Also, a long-term goal of this tool is to hook into the Buy/Sell tool coming in the future, Bacon. The idea being, provide a order page for the public to buy/sell directly from the Prosper system with short turn around times. By having POS holders already interfacing with a sub-module of Prosper, it will be easy to direct them to the internal market tools to better serve them and secure internal supplies of our primary raw materials.
The Modules
APIcorp(key,vcode,limited_mask (optional))
This module will query all the available corporate APIs provided by CCP and return an object with all the apis parsed into minidom objects. Using limited_mask will override the given key's CAK Access Mask, limiting the APIs returned.
It is strongly suggested to use APIvalidator() before calling APIcorp() to validate having access to the intended APIs. Also it is assumed that APIKeyInfo is always accessible by default.
APIcorp modules: All minidom modules will either return the XML minidom or an error message from validation
- charID: The characterID for who the API is associated with. It is assumed the character who generated the API can access all valid modules enabled by the CAK access mask
- character: The character name for the API. This is for "human readable" functions
- corp: the corporation name the API is associated with
- corpID: The corpID number for the corp
- wallet: the parsed minidom for wallet information
- assets: Assets
- contacts: Corporation Contacts
- containers: Container Log
- -contracts-: not supported at this time. Need to build parent-child parser for contract info
- info: Corporation Info
- FW: Faction Warfare Status
- industry: Industry Jobs
- kills: Kill Log
- locations: Corporate Locations
- orders: Market Orders
- medals: Medals
- -members-: not supported at this time. Will require special cruncher to combine member data
- -outposts-: Not supported at this time. Very specialized API data, not useful for current projects
- shareholders: Shareholders
- standings: NPC Standings
- POS: returns a list of minidoms for POS
- APIcorp.POS[0]= Tower List
- APIcorp.POS[1]= Tower Details for Attribute("row")[0]
- titles: Role Titles
- journal: Wallet Journal
- transactions: Wallet Transactions