Central hist - lockefox/EVE-Prosper GitHub Wiki

EVE-Central provides an incredibly useful live price database that is easily queryable. Unfortunately, this data is only good for immediate processing. Other sites provide historical data, but only rudimentary manufacturing information. This means a large piece of the picture is missing from historical charting; the real costs of producing items.

So, the very first step in building a charting system is building a historical price database. Instead of relying on a start point from live data and croning the rest, EVE-Central provides free and easy access to the raw data files in CSV.

Central_Hist features

  • Automatic fetching, processing, and clearing of historical price data
  • BY-SYSTEM uploading into Prosper price database
  • Buy order Maximum and total daily volume
  • Sell order Minimum and total daily volume
  • Daily variance/deviation for all saved metrics
  • Manual request interface. Run offline from app engine modules

How To Run

Command line Python program. Valid args:

  • -system=<systemID> REQUIRED crunch data by systemID. Can request multiple by comma separated string
  • -enddate=mm-dd-yy REQUIRED fetch historical crunch data (may bug if yy does not match current year)
  • -startdate=mm-dd-yy OPTIONAL the earlier bound for how much data you want. Defaults to current day -1
  • -debug returns local CSV of to-be-uploaded values. Does not upload to SQL ** DB key(systemid:date),sell-min,sell-vol,sell-var,sell-dev,buy-max,buy-vol,buy-var,buy-dev