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PROSPER is a new production tool for EVE Online. Utilizing a group-level methodology, the tools are designed to maximize returns for a group and automate the process as much as possible.

Development plan


  • Build a database for custom tooling. Allow maximum flexibility for data manipulation/processing/display
  • Automate product selection process
  • Allow real world accounting/tracking of progress
  • Build a clean front-facing UI to oversee/audit automation and progress
  • Create modules that allow for easy interfacing
  • Design for CREST API. Maximize automation to minimize unbillable work
  • Track contributions automatically


  • DB_builder: a python wrapper that will query public data sources and build a local copy of the hosted DB's Prosper uses

Database tables

  • prosper: processed down from raw eve-central data dumps. Normalized: has NULL's filled. Subset: includes only top systems by market capitalization
  • kills: data from zKillboard. Used as companion data for "volume" to measure destruction data.
  • builder: contains historical build cost data. Now/1d/7d/14d/30d values for charting price trends against real build statistics.

Internal Apps

  • POS Tracker: A web tool to check the status of moon mining POS
  • Bacon: A buy/sell manager for public material acquisition and direct product sales
  • Quantum: The automation "black box" for processing item data and generating production tasks
  • Toaster: A killboard crawler for processing item destruction data
  • Overseer: HR manager. Handles applications, staff resources, and accounting.
  • Librarian: Asset manager. Tracks materials, blueprints, and finished products. Reports ISK values back to Overseer.

#EVE Online Mechanics Articles

  • EVE Production Crash Course
  • Production Planning
  • Manufacturing
  • Invention
  • Hardware (POS) Allocation and Management
  • Human Resources
  • Material Asset Allocation

#Existing Tools