Requirements & Installation - lochnar187/screensaver GitHub Wiki


Before installing you will need:

  • Window 7 or better
  • .NET 4.5.2


Paranoia.scr can be downloaded from GitHub's Code section. The link takes you there, just click the "Download" button.


64 bit I can confirm that the screensaver works with a 64 bit OS using .NET 4.5.2 or better Copy the downloaded file to your SysWOW64 folder. Commonly, the full path is C:\Windows\SysWOW64 but it may be different if it was installed in a non-standard location.

32 bit In theory, it should also work on a 32 bit OS using .NET 4.5.2 or better. This has not been confirmed as I don't have access to a 32 bit computer to test it on. Copy the downloaded file to your System32 folder. Commonly, the full path is C:\Windows\System32 but it may be different if it was installed in a non-standard location.

After copying the file to your system folder. Open the Control Panel and click the "Appearance and Personalization" section. Select "Change screen saver". This should open the "Screen Saver Settings" window. The Screen saver drop box should now have Paranoia listed as one of the options. Select it.

Click the "Settings" button to change configuration options.

Click "Apply" and/or "OK" to close the "Screen Saver Settings" window.


After giving your security clearance to The Computer, the Configuration window will be displayed. Config Window

Display options

Enable CRT scanline animation. Toggles the "Retro look" used to make scan lines like the old CRT monitors had.

Eye Size %. Scale the size of the eye by +-50%.

Path options

Stationary - The eye remains centered but still dilates at times.

Random - Moves around the screen at varying rates.

Scripted - Follows a scripted path.

Custom - Disabled A placeholder for a future enhancement.

Voice options

Enable the Computer's voice. Toggles speaking functionality.

Use default voice. Disabled A placeholder for a future enhancement.

Frequency. Ranging from 30 to 300 seconds. If voice is enabled, this is the minimum amount of silence time before the Computer speaks again.

Just closing the Configuration window will save the settings you have selected.