Meeting Notes - lmucs/grapevine GitHub Wiki
#Tuesday, September 1, 2015 ##Class
- Went over 401 class syllabus
- Glanced over K'tah wiki
- xkcd of the Day: Understanding Flow Charts
- Listed possible project ideas:
- Service organization app
- Autonomous zero-knowledge reasonably secure point-to-point easy-to-use encryption in transit (maybe)
- Calendar produced by monitoring social networks
- Friendbuy/Criteo projects
- App sports team analysis with notifications
- Location-based get-together with friends
- Modified billiards game
- Game to teach fighting
- Something with Oculus Rift (physical game)
- Social chore/activity manager
- Homework:
- Begin reading Uncle Bob’s Clean Code (ongoing)
- Read K'tah’s meeting class notes
- Read essay on frequently forgotten facts about software development
- Self-organize
- Come up with a catchy name
- Group: Nicole Anguiano, Cameron Billingham, Juan Carrillo, Jeff Fennell, Matt Flickner, Joaquin Loustau, and Rachel Rivera
- Absentees: Nicole Anguiano, Joaquin Loustau
- App Idea: Calendar produced by monitoring social networks
- App Objectives:
- login
- ability to add and remove Twitter/Facebook(/Instagram?) accounts for calendar
- natural language processing that will parse posts, deduce which posts are events, add tags to events (food, sports, etc.), and add those events to calendars
- ability to delete events
- Low Priority Goals:
- sync with personal calendar
- add custom events
- Technologies/Languages:
- server: Node.js/CoffeeScript
- client: TODO (possibly web, android, and iOS clients)
- Research to do for next meeting:
- Twitter API Exploration: Juan
- Facebook API Exploration: Jeff and Matt
- Google Calendar API Exploration: Rachel
- Natural Language Processing API/Framework Exploration: Cameron and Joaquin
Nicole: choose at least one to research before next meeting
#Tuesday, September 3, 2015 ##Pre-class Sync-up/Class
Initial Architecture Design
Research Results
- Possible Text Analytics API: Meaning Cloud
- Twitter/Facebook API: will do updates through HTTP GETs instead of setting up feeds for now
- Google Calendar API: will explore more later; (other objectives have priority)
- Social Media API = priority
- Possible task tracking mechanisms:
- Project Manager: Jeff?
- GitHub Workflow:
- Pull Requests (naming:
{your initials}/{feature name}
) - Two people must review each PR before merging into master
- Pull Requests (naming:
- Meaning Cloud experimentation
- REST research; everyone come with a question
- Node.js/CoffeeScript tutorials
- look into API Blueprint
- Google web fundamentals course
- sketch out 2-3 milestones
- Nicole: get Twitter API token
#Sunday, September 6, 2015 ##Meeting - 11:00am
Present: everyone, Nicole and Juan through Hangouts
Decided on GrapeVine as name for our app
Review of Node and building REST API
- Watched Node.js intro video CodeSchool NodeJS
- Talked through Node.js npm and middleware
- Added morgan middleware to server for easy debug and logging
- Walked through and evaluated what instructions did
Initial social media api sketch
- Outlined necessary Facebook Graph API calls
- getting ID from page_name
- calling page posts and events API ( e.g. -> ../{facebook_ID}/posts/ )
- went through necessary parameters
- &since={unix timecode}
- &limit={int} (max: 100, default: 25)
- added this functionality to API together
- Repeated steps above for Twitter API
- differences in access - OAuth object
- similar parameters
- TO DO:
- Juan: add parameter functionality to API twitter calls
- Juaquin/Cameron: clean up Facebook server module
- Everybody: research open-source NLP's and external API NLP's
- Outlined necessary Facebook Graph API calls
#Tuesday, September 8, 2015 ##Class
- Alex Schneider gave a presentation on security.
- Threat Modeling - Identify potential vulnerabilities and define countermeasures
- OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
- Don't forget to update your list of vulnerabilities as application grows!!!
- Resources
- Talked about Bobby Tables
- Discussed ideas for event objects
- Discussed NLP Apis
- Discuss what we want to see in the calendar
- Hierarchy of views: Month > Week > Day > Events
- NLP Group should compile a list of tweets/posts and compare different NLP frameworks
- Discriminate between events and nonevents
- Identifies all relevant information (time, location, etc)
- Nicole will post calendar for us to see
- Juan will show some concept art
- NLP Group should compile a list of tweets/posts and compare different NLP frameworks
#Thursday September 10 ##Meeting @ 9:00am
- Nicole shared calendar designs and theme song she created
- Nicole shared some mockup ideas she had for web app
- Rachel talked about possibility of google maps integration
- Talked about green/purple color scheme
- Jeff shared state diagram for user views he created
- Jeff suggested Backbone.js to Nicole for frontend
- Rachel discussed code jam for Sunday afternoon (3:00 or 4:00)
- Discussed possibility of jamming in the Loft sometime :thumbsup:
- To work on:
- Jeff and Matt: Investigate calendar packages for IOS and Android, start working on login screen view
- Nicole: design Some mockups for login screen
- Agile / scrum lecture by Augie Alzuabi from Symantec
#Sunday September 13 ##Meeting
- Rachel reviewed work on API
- Jeff gave introduction on Android
- Talked about ideas for database:
- We need to provide users id and authorization tokens
- Way to find events associated with a user
- List of feeds the user is following
- Add/Remove feeds to follow
#Tuesday September 15
- Decided to use Unix timestamp
- universal, would work on all platforms iOS, Android, Web
- Cameron made a list of about 100 tweets and Facebook page posts for a sample dataset
- NLP update
- finding it hard for Meaningcloud to pickup dates
- NLTK - Cameron's gonna test it out with the its date package this week
- Prioritize generating events from post (doesn't necessarily have to be exactly correct just make sure we can throw out some of the garbage)
- Joaquin - Stanford NLP might not work, it doesn't work for holidays (ex: BBQ on Memorial Day)
- API almost good to go for front end to start working with
- Dr. Toal is giving a Git talk today
#Thursday September 17
Jerry from CrowdStrike
- talk about cybersecurity
- don't store passwords in cache (that means you Windows)
- authentication, logs, access tokens, all good things to have
- China Chopper
- one line of code hidden away somewhere
- Outlook
- put a rar file into the outlook picture folder
- would retrieve with a simple GET
- Chinese hackers don't attack on Chinese New Year
Narrowed down to 2 NLPs
HTTP set up going to try to start hitting it from client side
gonna get Rally going in the next few days
#Tuesday September 22
- Decided to go with Pivotal Tracker over Rally
- Setup Pivotal
- Added everyone to our pivotal page
- Added user stories
- Intro to Swift from Matt
#Thursday September 24
- Mark from Google:
*beware of compound words (e.g. "white house")
*how many tweets would we need for effective clustering?
*Recommendations: Weka, LDA
#Sunday September 27
- blocked by HTTPS: Android prevents from using self-signed certificates: There is a way around this but it makes things a lot more complicated
- in order to continue progressing, putting HTTPS in the backlog
#Tuesday September 29
- Toal lecture on networking:
- Intro *networks, internet, the Internet, heterogeneity, security, ARP
- Seven layers (or alternative four layers):
7. Application
6. Presentation
5. Session
4. Transport
3. Network
2. Data Link
- Physical
- Data and Packet Transmission
#Thursday October 8
- Lecture from Marcello Tallis
Machine Learning - What is Machine Learning?
- Difficult problems such as recognizing handwritten digits, checking credit card fraud don't know how we solve these in our brain program would be extremely complicated
- Instead of writing program by hand, we collect examples and specific the correct output
- recognizing patterns:
- objects in real scenes
- facial identities
- spoken words
- Recognizing anomalies
- unusual sequences for credit card transactions
- unusual patterns of sensor readings nuclear power plant
- predictions
- futures stock prices or exchange rates
- Def: Constructing and studying methods that learn from and make predictions on data
- Terminology:
- Observations
- Features
- Labels
- Training vs Test Data
- Two common ways:
- supervised learning - we know training data labels
- unsupervised learning - unlabeled observations
- supervised learning: classification, regression - labels are continuous
- unsupervised learning - clustering, dimensionality eduction
- supervised learning pipeline -
- obtain raw data
- feature extraction - initial observations, incorporate domain knowledge
- supervised learning - run labeled data through learning algorithm
- evaluation - how do me determine the quality of the model, we evaluate, test with test data, don't like then we iterate
- predict - once we have our model we can predict other data
Sunday October 11
- Meeting with Jeff and Rachel:
- discussion of exactly what kind of data the clients need from the API
- Slight altering of the endpoints
- deploying to Heroku
- code jam
Tuesday October 13
- Code jam day in class:
- Rachel: further work on the API; deployment of both APIs to Heroku; EER of Postgres Schema; Heroku Postgres add-on; replace spoof DB calls with real ones
- Jeff: code jam with Rachel; help to finalize endpoints; Android event feed
- Juan: ?
- Joaquin: ?
- Cameron: ?
- Nicole: ?
- Matt: ?
- TODO: everyone write 5 pivotal tasks
Thursday October 15
- Lecture with Myron Flickner: an overview of the TrueNorth neuromorphic chip
- brain inspired architectures: Neurons, Axons, Synapses, Spikes
- chip used to run deep learning algorithms
- image classification at a very, very low power consumption
- the kind of people IBM is looking for to work on these kind of projects:
- background in machine learning is a plus
- good background in statistics
- developers who have a lot of experience with highly parallel systems
- MOST IMPORTANT: people who have learned how to teach themselves
- TODO: release within the next week
Tuseday October 20
- Rachel
- Worked with Jeff and got databases deployed on Heroku
- Get well soon!
- Juan
- fixed chronos asynch tests
- Jeff
- fixed up Heroku API endpoints on Android
- login and error messages are up and running off of Heroku API
- Matt
- calendar module up and running on iOS - views looking good!
- working on fixing API endpoints
- Nicole
- fixing up new Heroku API endpoints for web app
- Cameron
- started branch for classification trainer
- basic NLTK import and document function up and running
- TODO: organize test data in excel, set up Naive-Bayes, and some others (SVM)
REST lecture from Dr. Toal
Representaional State Transfer
- introduced by Roy Fielding
Important Concepts
- Every resource has a (unique) identifier (e.g., URI)
- Resources are generally nouns. Name your resources accordingly:
- Example:
- Non-example: (THIS IS BAD)
- HATEOAS stands for Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State. It means that hypertext should be used to find your way through the API.
- Small, fixed number of verbs
Thursday October 22
- Jerry came to critique security measures
- Notes from Jerry for security
- TLS for encryption(SSL is no longer safe)
- encrpyt postgres database
- transfer risk over to server host - SLA
- hash and salt passwords (pepper it as well if possible)
Tuesday October 27
- HW
- SW
- Business
- Culture
- Have to look at performance/power
- Moore's Law -> approaching the end
- go back 8 to 10 years -> clock cycle was 3 gHz
- present day -> also 3 gHz
- Instruction level parallelism that you can't get anything more out of
- need results from other pipelines
- electrically -> voltage leakage
- transistor smaller and smaller
- comparison: losing electricity with longer extension card
- same concept happens at nm level with transistor
- as you send more and more power through the transistor, less is used for switching
- transistor smaller and smaller
- CPU vs GPU
- CPU -> 12 to 18 cores
- GPU ->
- first NVIDA GPU had about 256 cores
- openGL and DirectX
- today - 3000 cores in them
- first NVIDA GPU had about 256 cores
- CUDA -> program a GPU - highest level of efficiency
- equivalent program in systems language
- Amdels Law
- any sort of serial code
- it will dominate the execution time
- CPU memory - 25-50 GB/sec for DDR3-DDR4
- PCI latest - 16 GB/sec peak, 12 GB/sec sustained
- GPU memory - 288 GB/sec GDDR5
- 3D ram is new future of memory (8 stacks) -> 1000 GB/sec
- through silicon not copper wire
- super low power
- GPU's can get more out of Moore's Law -> because of parallelism
- languages
- many different levels of libraries for different subjects for programming
Thursday October 29
Selected date for presentations
Monday, Dec. 14 - 5:00pm
Database Crash Course - Toal
- Separate persistence concerns
- Atomicity - all or nothing, transacions are atomic
- Consistency - all actions preserve constraints
- Isolation - can't see intermediate results
- Durability - committed transactions withstand crashes
- Basically Available - CAP theory (Consistency, availability, partition tolerance)
- Partition tolerant - redundancy, keeps database available even with partition
- You get 2/3 really - trilemma (can't have consistency with partition tolerance and availability)
- Soft state
- Eventual consistency
- Basically Available - CAP theory (Consistency, availability, partition tolerance)
- Data Model vs Data System
- Model - logical
- Big 4
- Key-Value
- Document
- Graph
- Relational (most common)
- Some others
- Column-family
- triplestore - semantic processing
- Object-Oriented
- Historical
- Heirarchical
- Netwoek
- Big 4
- Model - logical
- Need to index in order to be fast
- hash-maps - constant
- search trees - logarithmic
- log base 2 of a trillion -> 40
- super fast
- Scaling
- vertical scaling - buy a bigger machine
- horizontal scaling - spread over lots of machines
- Key-Value
- massive amount of data
- see everying by key
- very common
- Document stores
- stores all data of an entity in one place
- stores by nesting documents in other documents
- really nice for horizontal scaling -> super easy
- MongoDB
- Graph
- Nodes and connections - a network
- Neo4J
- Neo4J browswer - visualize database
- Both nodes and relationship have data
- Relational Store
- tables, primary keys, foreign keys
- PostgreSQL
- don't scale horizontally very well
- What is NoSQL?
- It is a movement
- can stand for Not Only SQL or No SQL
- kind of a reaction to relational databases dominating
- relational databases aren't bad
- there are just other things out there
- can be scaled out horizontally well
- big data
- flexible schemas - can add new datatypes and attributes without changing underlying structure
Tuesday November 3
- Code Jam
- Check in with Toal; TODO from Toal:
- broader description of the project; paragraph level— small to medium
- branching: keeping more up-to-date
- need a release
- update Pivotal
Thursday November 5
- Classification brainstorming:
Tuesday November 10
- Uncle Bob on Naming
- should reveal intent
- true cost of software in maintenance
- names that describe implementation details do NOT describe the intent
- names are not for your convenience, they are for communicating your intent
- avoid disinformation
- one of the worst sins a programmer can commit
- example: concrete name to abstract class;
- pronounceable names
- drop silly prefixes; let IDE, compiler, and unit tests do the rest
- parts of speech
- classes/variables are nouns, methods are verbs
- avoid "noise words" (e.g.
, etc.) - booleans should be predicates
- Relationship between Scope Length and Name Length
- shorter the variable scope, shorter the name; longer the variable scope, longer the name
- highly visible function/class, shorter the name; not very visible function/scope, longer the name
- exception: derived classes (start adding adjectives)
- TODO: clean up bad names in code
Tuesday November 24
- Brian- indie gamer
- worked at Disney: prototyping engineer
- now at USC games masters program
- Resources:
- Game Developer Conference
- IndieCade— useful for reaching out to publishers directly
- Gamedevmap
- International Game Developers Association Los Angeles
- Women in Games International— monthly events
- Glitch City LA
- Advice:
- communication is important
- code clean
- regularly reassess your time
- imposture syndrome is something everyone
- Helpful day to day skills:
- version control
- naming conventions
- comments
- data structures
- algorithms
- graphics
- UX
- senior project skills (working with others, motivation, communicating)
Thursday December 3
- Kine Lane: API Evangelist
- Technology, politics and business of API
- Politics
- APIs are copyrightable: Oracle vs Google
- APIs should be more open and interoperable
- 18f— agile tech for federal use. Geek squad for US gov
- Code for America
- Grant for data cleaning: endless opportunities for spreadsheet to JSON
- Check out NASA APIs for funsies
- HTTP literacy needed
- Collision of hardware vs software notion of an API; SDK vs everything should live in the cloud
- Shame vs Superpower:
- API Design
- Monitoring
- Performance
- Security: Snapchat shaming. A world of unintentional APIs. Security through obscurity is NOT a strategy,
- Privacy
- Charles Proxy
- Content type headers are a commonly misunderstood
- POSTMAN and Apiary becoming new API IDEs?
- Preferred tool for generating SDK: APIMATIC
- API Transformer, Runscope
Tuesday December 8
- Ed Bramanti A day in the life
warm up questions *[4] * [4]
- type of NaN
- "Why am I a “ + type of + “”;
- Makes you marketable
- Node.js lets you start doing server-side work
- Fast compile!
- Strongly typed
- concurrency
KoaJS rocks
- agile: good to be introduced to it in college
- "Make it better”
How to get a job?
- codewars/cracking the coding interview; work in little chunks
- read the source code
- Introduction to Algorithms
- That “whole person” education: communicator, interaction with clients, how would you deal with challenges (be specific!)
- email companies if they have no job listings fitting your qualifications