Git Workflow - lmucs/grapevine GitHub Wiki
To keep a clean, working master branch, Grapevine follows the Feature Branch Workflow.
No commits are made to the master branch, but rather, are made to feature branches which are eventually merged into the master branch.
Checkout a new branch from master.
git checkout -b "new-task-name"
Add your features, commit your work.
git add <file1>
git add <file2>
git commit -m "Commit message."
Push the changes to your branch.
git push origin new-task-name
Once you have committed and pushed all of your changes, and are satisfied with your work, open up a pull request.
Find at least two people on the team to review your pull request.
If anyone has constructive feedback to improve the changes or additions you made, discuss those changes with them, make necessary changes, repeat steps 2 and 3, and the commits will automatically be added to the open pull request.
Once all suggestions/fixes from the 2 reviewing team members have been made, the pull request can be closed and the branch can be merged into master.