Dev Setup - lmucs/grapevine GitHub Wiki
Google has provided developers with Android Studio, a powerful IDE based on Intellij, for developing for Android. You can use any text editor or IDE that you wish, but Android Studio has many powerful tools, including Git integration, virtual device support for testing on a variety of devices and screen sizes, and Android-specific tips, warnings, and syntax highlighting.
- To start, download the IDE from the link above and follow the on-screen instructions for adding SDK packages.
- Click File -> Open and find the root directory in your local repository to open it in Android studio. You then should see the project appear on the left hand side of the screen.
- Make sure that you open the
- There are two options for running the app. You can use Android Studio to either install the app on an Android Device plugged in to your computer, or run an emulator on your computer simulating an Android device. Follow these instructions to get Grapevine up and running on either a physical or virtual device.
If running on a virtual device
Running the app on a virtual device is not only good if you don't have an Android device, but it also allows you to simulate how the app will behave and look on a variety of hardware architectures and screen sizes, which is very important in the diverse Android ecosphere.
Most Intel and AMD processors made during the past few years support Hardware Virtualization Technology, which allows for better support of virtual machines. Follow the instructions here if you have an AMD or Intel processor for virtual devices to run much more smoothly.
Note: If you are developing on a Linux machine, you have to take a few additional steps to enable VM acceleration.
The iOS development runs in Xcode on OSX.
- Make sure you have Xcode installed.
- Then install CocoaPods package manager for Swift and Cocoa projects
If you do not have Ruby installed, then you can install it with Homebrew.sudo gem install cocoapods
brew install ruby
- In terminal, cd into the
directory and runpod install
- Now open Xcode and make sure to open the
file and not the project file.
- The workspace file will install all package dependencies