Load and Save - lms-org/lms GitHub Wiki

LMS provides a set methods for modules saving to files or loading from files. Instead of setting a save path in every module, LMS allows you to set one global path via command line flags.


LMS is saving files in ~/.lmslog by default. When the ./lms --enable-save is given on the command line, LMS will automatically create a unique directory named ~/.lmslog/YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SSZ.

Modules may now request the path to a file by executing saveLogFile("save.dat") or saveLogDir("images") for a directory. You must check availability of the saveLog* methods by calling isEnableSave() beforehand.

You may use --enable-save-tag "What I was doing" to append a tag to the automatically chosen directory name. This may help you later to find the correct path for loading.


LMS is loading files from ~/.lmslog by default. When ./lms --enable-load 2016-01-01T12-00-00Z is given on the command line, LMS will set the load path to ~/.lmslog/2016-01-01T12-00-00. It is also allowed to put relative or absolute paths like /tmp/logs/2016-01-01T12-00-00Z.

Modules may now call loadLogFile("save.dat") or loadLogDir("images") in order to get appropriate loading paths. You must check availability of the loadLog* methods by calling isEnableLoad() beforehand.