Preview data - lmparppei/BeatPlugins GitHub Wiki
NOTE: THIS PAGE IS EXPIRED. Previews no longer rely on HTML roundtrip. Further information will follow soon.
A live preview of the document is being created in the background when the user has stopped typing for a couple of seconds. You can access the preview data, either as-is, or by listening to when preview has been created.
Preview object
const preview = Beat.preview
— HTML output used to display the preview
— check if the latest preview has been finished and validated (true
— access the paginator used by the preview
Listening to preview creation
// Do something
Access the preview pagination
Further reading: Paginator
This example returns the page number of a given line.
let pageNumberOfLine = -1
Beat.onPreviewFinished(function () {
const lineInEditor = Beat.lines()[11] // Some random line
const pages = Beat.preview.paginator.pages
for (const page of pages) {
for (const line of page) {
if (lineInEditor.uuid == line.uuid) {
// This line matches to a line in editor.
// Return the page number (not index)
pageNumberOfLine = pages.indexOf(page) + 1