File access - lmparppei/BeatPlugins GitHub Wiki
Because Beat is sandboxed, the user has to confirm file access. Please don't try to do anything malicious.
Importing Data
Beat.openFile([extensions], function (filePath) { })
– displays an open dialog for an array of extensions and returns a path
Beat.openFiles([extensions], function ([filePaths]) { })
— as above, but allows selecting multiple files and returns an array of paths
– file contents as string
– converts PDF file contents into a string
Exporting Data
Beat.saveFile(extension, function (filePath) { })
– displays a save dialog and returns the path to callback
Beat.writeToFile(path, content)
– write a string to path
Reading files
Add file contents at the beginning of the current document.
let filename = Beat.openFile(["fountain"], function (filename) {
if (!filename || filename.length <= 0) return
let contents = Beat.fileToString(filename)
Beat.addString(contents, 0)
Saving files
const string = "Hello World."
Beat.saveFile("txt", function (filename) {
Beat.writeToFile(filename, string)