Accessing the editor - lmparppei/BeatPlugins GitHub Wiki

Adding and replacing text

Once you manipulate the document, your changes will get parsed immediately. Note that if you make many changes, they can not be undone.

  • Beat.addString(String, index) – add string at some index
  • Beat.replaceRange(index, length, string) – replace a range with a string (which can be empty to remove text)


  • Beat.selectedRange() – returns a range object with .location and .length properties
  • Beat.setSelectedRange(location, length) – set user selection (make sure you don't go out of range)
  • Beat.scrollTo(index) – scroll to character index
  • Beat.scrollToScene(scene) – scroll to a scene object
  • Beat.scrollToLine(line) – scroll to a line object


  • Beat.reformat(line) — reformat a single line in the screenplay
  • Beat.reformatRange(location, length) — reformat a range

Highlighting Text

You can temporarily change both text foreground and background color.

  • Beat.textBackgroundHighlight("#000000", location, length) - set text background color
  • Beat.textHighlight("#000000", location, length) - set foreground color

The highlights will disappear when the line is reformatted (for example when the user edits the affected line). You can remove any unused and useless highlights after you are done by forcing reformat: Beat.reformatRange(location, length).


  • Beat.focusEditor() — focus the editor window (from an HTML, for example)


Select the first scene heading

const scenes = Beat.scenes()
const scene = scenes[0]

Beat.setSelectedRange(scene.line.position, scene.line.string.length)

Replace a line in the screenplay

This example replaces every INT. as EXT.

for (const line of Beat.lines()) {
    if (line.string.indexOf("INT.") == 0) {
        Beat.replaceRange(line.position, 4, "EXT.")