TPR Project Home - lmorl01/TPR GitHub Wiki
Project Status Report
Summary stats about the number of TPRs in the Core Set, the number of searches run, storage, scripts and references
Physical Database Schema
The latest physical database schema, showing entities and relationships
Database scripts in SQL, processing and analysis scripts in Perl, statistical analysis and presentation scripts in R
Tripartite TPR Gallery
A (partial) gallery of tripartite TPRs from the Core Set
TPR Alignments from the Core Set
Sequence alignment of the Core Set to the TPR motif
Residue Frequency Graphs
Index of residue frequency graphs showing the frequency with which each residue in the query structure featured in a significant alignment for tripartite TPR searches limited to one block
Tripartite TPR Cluster Plots
Cluster plots based on normalised RMSDs for tripartite TPRs - with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 clusters
Unitary TPR Cluster Plots
Pairwise analysis for unitary TPRs is still in progress. Cluster plot based on normalised RMSDs for unitary TPRs will be prepared when analysis is complete
TPR Inter-Helical Angle Analysis
Histograms showing the distribution of angles between:
- Helix A and helix B in the same TPR (AB)
- Helix A and helix A' in the subsequent TPR (AA')
- Helix B and helix A' in the subsequent TPR (BA')
Scatter graphs showing relationship between:
- Angle AB and angle AA'
- Angle AB and angle BA'
- Angle AA' and angle BA'
Contact Analysis
Inter-helical residue contact data has been extracted and uploaded to the database
References & Bibliography
Full list of references and bibliography items
To-Do List
Outstanding tasks and activities