How to use the website - lmichel/vo-grimoire GitHub Wiki

Presentation of the website :

This website will allow the users to make researches of mails in Elastic Search indexes, it will communicate with your Elastic Search database and the indexes created via You will be able to do queries with attributes or just simple queries like the one of the Google search engine.

Inputs :

All inputs are based on the text typed by the users.

Pre-Requirements :

To use this website, for now, you will have to host it on your own server, and modify the url of the request in js/perso/research.js in executeQuery() and addThread().

This site communicate with Elastic Search, so you will need to have Elastic Search launched on your server and initialized with mails indexes made by

How to use it :

Once you're on the website, you will only have the search bar and buttons "From, To, Content, Subject" and a selector of mailing lists, you will have to select one mailing list to search on. Then you may wanna just search a word, for that, just type it in the search bar and press Enter or click on the magnifying glass. If you want to do a precised search, click on one of the four links to add in parentheses the keyword and type the word you want to be find.

After that, you may want to have advanced parameters, for that click advanced parameters : You can :

  • Select if the query has a OR or AND comportment
  • Sort the query by date ascendant or descendant
  • Specify the max number of mails returned
  • Specify a start and end period to search mails Once you've selected all this parameters, press enter and see the mails under the search bar. The button "Reset Query" will reset the fields of the form. "See Query" will show the query and allow you to modify and execute it in a modal box.

In each of message, click on the title to un-collapse the mail and see his content, in this content you will see a link "View Thread", click on it and you will see the associated thread of the message, it's being implemented.

For now, this is all the functionalities.