How to use server script - lmichel/vo-grimoire GitHub Wiki

How to use the python server script

In this page, i will tell you how to use the python script to index all the mails of mailing lists.

First you will need to create config.json file in server/python/launcher/

In this file you will tell the elastic search url, the folder where you want the mbox to be, etc...

For example : this is mine for only "Data Model"


"download_uri" : "",

"elastic_search_url" : "http://localhost:9200",

"mbox_dir": "../mbox",

"reset_index": 1, >>>>> 0 = false , 1 = true

"mailing_lists": [


  "label": "Data Model",

  "index_name": "dm",

  "prefix": "dm_",

  "download_mbox": "dm.mbox/dm.mbox"


] }

After you created this config.json file, please start elasticsearch.service

Then you just have to launch the file with : python

If you have exceptions with Elastic Search, please type 1 in "reset_index" in the config.json