RequirementsAndInstallation - lluccia/otroslogviewer GitHub Wiki

Requirements and installation


Java Runtime Environment 6 is reuqired to run OtrosLogViewer


Downloads are hosted on Source Forge:


OtrosLogViewer is not providing installer. You have to uzip package and run olv.[bat|sh]. If you want to run OtrosLogViewer for batch processing you have to run olv-batch.[bat|sh]. For more information about batch processing read //TODO

Where OtrosLogViewer stores files

OtrosLogViewer stores plugins in 2 places:

  • $OLV_HOME/plugins - all users will use this plugins
  • $HOME/.otroslogviewer - plugins only for selected user

OtrosLogViewer stores configuration in 2 places:

  • $OLV_HOME/config.xml - configuration loaded first, for all users. Changes will not be save here automatically.
  • $HOME/.otroslogviewer - loaded second, configuration for user. Changes are saved here.

Bookmarks are stored in $HOME/.vfsjfilechooser/favorites.xml. This file is encrypted. //TODO check algorithm