CurrentVersion - lluccia/otroslogviewer GitHub Wiki
This page is for automated version checking.
Build 2010-09-01
- Marking rows with space bar
- Colors added to message detail text area
- Tab with all notes
- Go to "Next marked" button changed to "Next marked/noted"
- Added key mnemonic "Next/Previous marked/noted"
Build 2010-09-02
- InternalFrame changed to Tabs
Build 2010-10-10
- Parsing different date in Java Util Logger
- Remove problem with sapces to java (i.e. C:\Program Files...) in olv.bat
Build 2010-10-17
- Improvment of loading window
- Adding option to stop of loading
- Added file
- During start trying to set jgoodies PlasticXPLookAndFeel
Build 2010-11-24
- Memory info
- Formatting SOAP messages in message detail
- Hiding columns in log table
- Detect if input stream is compressed with gzip
- Tailing log from local disk
Build 2011-01-20
- Multiline LogParser support initialized
- Tailing through SFTP (using ssh commnad tail -f path)
- Pause/follow options in tailing mode.
- Masking password in bookmarks view
- Warning when closing log(s)
- Log4J pattern "%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t] %m%n"
- Highliting found text in log details panel
- View level as icon
- "Focus on this thread" in log table context menu
- New icons
Build 2011-02-09
- Marks all search result
- Colors for marked introduced
- Automatic marking new events in tailing mode
- Persistent configuration introduced
- Log4j custom pattern log parser introduced (based on Apache Chainsaw implementation)
- Loading Log4j pattern parser described in property files (./plugins/logimporters/
.pattern) - Load Log4J log file formmated with XMLLayout
- Switching between tabs (Ctrl+Pg up, Ctrl+right next tab, Ctrl+Pgdown, Ctrl+left previous tab)
- Hot key Ctrl+F focus on search field
Build 2011-04-04
- Colors for memory monitor
- SOAP message formatting and coloring
- Remove events before and after selected in context menu
- Possibility to connect SFTP server using key authentication
- Markers for tailing mode improved
- issue 53 (on Google Code) fixed (App do not show last log entry in the result table
- Application aware of markers change
- Added functionality to remove log events with lower/higher ID
Build 2011-05-08
- Issue 47 (on Google Code) fixed Log importers can describe what table columns they need
- Icons for open mode tail/open
- Log4jPatternParser editor introduced
- Filesystem type and host displayed in tab name
- String/Regular expression filter
- Quick access to class filter in log table context menu
- Issue 22 (on Google Code) fixed Enhance Class/method filtering
Build 2011-06-04
- Issue 2 (on Google Code) Dynamic loading of filters
- Issue 55 (on Google Code) Basic Drag and Drop support
- Issue 58 (on Google Code) fixed: Log investigation save/load error with multi-line log messages
- Issue 59 (on Google Code) Windows is located out of the screen
- Issue 61 (on Google Code) Improve search to use regular expression
- Issue 62 (on Google Code) Make MessageColorizer and MessageFormatter pluginable
- Issue 63 (on Google Code) Implement java stacktrace message colorizer
Build 2011-06-04
- Issue 72 (on Google Code) Olv is aware of changes in message formatters/colorizers
- Issue 73 (on Google Code) User can disable/enable message formatter/colorizer for selected tab
- Issue 74 (on Google Code) User can define message colorizer based on properties file
- Issue 75 (on Google Code) GUI editor for properties base message detail colorizers
- Issue 76 (on Google Code) Action for clear marked events
- Issue 77 (on Google Code) Message colorizer for search result
- Issue 80 (on Google Code) Use JsyntaxPane in Log4j pattern editor
- Issue 81 (on Google Code) Fix search on filtered table
Build 2011-07-31
- Drag&Drop on Linux fixed.
- Issue 83 (on Google Code) SearchResult MessageColorizer should be called as last
- Issue 84 (on Google Code) Missing linefeed characters cause lines to be concatenated
- Issue 86 (on Google Code) hide cmd after startup
- Issue 87 (on Google Code) Add new "remove by" acceptance criteria
- Issue 88 (on Google Code) Provide icon for AcceptanceCriteria
- Issue 89 (on Google Code) Improve remove by acceptance condition performance
- Issue 90 (on Google Code) Remove selected events
- Issue 91 (on Google Code) PropertyMessageDetailColorizer do not store test message
- Issue 92 (on Google Code) Implement batch mode
- Splash screen introduced
- Issue 95 (on Google Code) Add warning before deleting connection from bookmarks
- Issue 94 (on Google Code) Turn on/off message formatter/colorizer perfomance issue
- Issue 85 (on Google Code): Enable viewing and filtering based on custom properties
- Issue 96 (on Google Code): Paste do not work in Log4jPropertyPatternParser editor
- Issue 98 (on Google Code): the log4j tag %L (line number) does not show in logger.
- Issue 101 (on Google Code): Listener not working
- Issue 102 (on Google Code): FocusOnThisAbstractAction do not always work properly
- Issue 104 (on Google Code): Remove events with level lower than ...
- Issue 105 (on Google Code): Store parsed log events in file
- Issue 106 (on Google Code): Window state is not saved
- Issue 110 (on Google Code): Cannot load investigation
- Issue 111 (on Google Code): Application hangs when selected message is very long and contains SOAP message
- Issue 112 (on Google Code): Tool tip of the day
- Issue 115 (on Google Code): Check if compression can be used for SFTP
- Issue 116 (on Google Code): Add configuration parameter to batch mode processing
- Issue 117 (on Google Code): FIlter events based on Logger name
- Improve SOAP message formatter
- Improve synchronization and stream closing
- eclipse class path updated
- removed commend and sysouts
- stdout and stderr moved from java class to starting script