Trace Agent Configuration - llmhyy/microbat GitHub Wiki
-javaagent:[path to instrumentator.jar]=[option1]=[value1],[option2]=[value20;value21;value22]
*:For option which allows multiple values, the separator semi-colon (;) is used in Windows, and colon (:) is used in MacOs/Linux.
ββRun agent in precheck mode.
ββdefault: false.
ββTest class that can be launched by junit. The agent will start tracing when launch_class is executed.
ββIf launch_class is undefined, option entry_point is required. Entry_point is the method at which the trace is started to build.
ββ[methodFullName]: className.[method_name|method_signature]
ββex: entry_point=com.sample.Foo.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
ββJava home for jdk7 is required.
ββApplication classpath as a list of class directories, JAR files. Separate class path entries with the path_separator depends on Operating System: MacOs/Linux(:),Windows(;).
ββProject folder.
ββThe file path to store trace data.
ββIf tcp_port is defined, agent will connect to TCP port at localhost. Trace data will be written to TCP connection.
ββdefault: -1 (disable TCP option).
ββThe classes which are defined by filterExpressions will be included in instrumentation to collect variable runtime values.Separate expressions with the path_separator: MacOs/Linux(:),Windows(;).
ββSupported filter expressions:
βββ java.util.* : include all types and packages under java.util package.
βββ java.util.*\ : include all types only under java.util package.
βββ java.util.Arrays : include type Arrays only.
βββ java.util.Arrays* : include type Arrays and its inner types.
ββThe classes which are defined by filterExpressions will be filtered when collecting trace.Separate expressions with the path_separator: MacOs/Linux(:),Windows(;).
ββSupported filter expressions:
βββ java.util.* : include all types and packages under java.util package.
βββ java.util.*\ : include all types only under java.util package.
βββ java.util.Arrays : include type Arrays only.
βββ java.util.Arrays* : include type Arrays and its inner types.
ββAn alternative option for includes=filterExpressions. Filter expressions will be loaded from file_path.
ββAn alternative option for excludes=filterExpressions. Filter expressions will be loaded from file_path.
ββSpecify the deepest layer of an object to collect variable values.
ββdefault: 2
ββThe max length of the trace to be collected. When the collected trace exceeds stepLimit, the agent will stop tracing.
ββdefault: -1 (no limit)
ββThe agent will stop tracing when the trace size exceeds either expectedSteps or stepLimit . This option only affects in normal run mode (precheck=false).
ββdefault: -1 (no limit)
ββList of methods which will be over long after instrumentation. For these methods, some less important type of instructions will be discarded during instrumentation.
ββOptions to print out log. Separate log types with the path_separator: MacOs/Linux(:),Windows(;).
error: print out exception stack trace.
debug: print out useful debug info.
ββEnable applying method splitting function on methods which bytecode exceeds JVM limit after instrumentation.
ββdefault: false.
β&emsp suggest which method to store the trace file.
β&emspDurring tracing process, method toString of objects will be called when building variable value for each step, this might change the program execution. We provide option avoid_proxy_tostring to notify agent not to call toString() method on a proxy object.
ββdefault: false.
ββDefine the range of code in application to record in trace.