Weekly meeting 2011 10 11 - lkuper/rust GitHub Wiki
Brian, Dave, Marijn, Niko, Patrick
Unsafe blocks
- Niko:
- can tag functions and blocks as unsafe
- unsafe functions only usable from other unsafe functions and blocks
- can't use unsafe functions as first-class values
- status:
- missing restriction to second-class
- need to audit all operations, see which need to be restricted
- currently all natives tagged as unsafe
- Marijn: maybe not the right default; forces us to write wrappers
- Niko: probably don't want to have to add a
keyword - Patrick: maybe come up with heuristics based on whether they take pointers?
- Brian: calling into LLVM could cause an assert to happen just about anywhere
- Marijn: can't always prove things are safe, but don't want to have to infect everything
- resolved - safe by default for native
- Marijn:
- not working out in some places where we lose info due to mutation
- can we stop using it where it isn't appropriate?
- Niko: should look at Scala's approach to subtyping for cases like subsets of disjoint unions
- Dave: this is like ad-hoc unions
- Patrick: should visit when we revisit object system after v0.1
- Marijn: do we have subtyping?
- Patrick: kind of, only a very little bit due to
(which we probably want to change) - resolved - where they are proliferating, just change to assertions if we're hitting them and eliminate if we aren't
- Marijn:
- tutorial in Markdown? - fine with everyone
- destructuring assignment? - fine with everyone, but need to think about syntax (preferably no sigil/keyword)
- mix assignment and binding in a single term?
- Dave: I don't like mixing binding and reference/assignment in one form
- Marijn: but this saves you from destructuring twice
- Patrick: well, you can bind the names w/o initializing up front, and then just use assignment
- Marijn: that's uglier
- Dave: subjective; my instinct says it's not
- Marijn: I'll work on it and keep thinking about it