Standard library notes - lkuper/rust GitHub Wiki
Notes taken at rust work week, 2011/06/23
Things that standard libraries might want
- collections
- list, hash, deque, vec, stack, queue, prioque, trees, set, bitv
- bitv
- iteration
- IO
- AIO, SIO, stdio
- filesystem
- path manipulation
- <> or fileinput
- timers
- string manipulation
- slicing w/o copy, stringref
- regexp
- ropes
- networking
- HTTP client / server
- date / time
- math, random
- compression
- libicu
- serialization (protobuf / thrift / json)
- xml
- crypto
- concurrency
- task management, actor, OTP, MapReduce, pools
- low-level OS services
- unit testing
- FFI, ctypes
- dlopen, os proceses
- standard predicates
- text, numeric, sorted
- error-trapping wrappers, in-place task?
- Consistent error handling
- quotas, accounting
- reflection
Things that do not belong in std
- ZeroMQ
Missing language features
- big
- any
- claim
- note