Native Windows development - lkuper/rust GitHub Wiki

Environment Setup

  1. Install the Mozilla-Build enviornment (referred to as m-b)
  2. Install Git
    • In the installer, don't have git autoconvert line endings. Just use a good text editor like vim or emacs.
  3. Add the Git path to the PATH environment variable used by the m-b environment. m-b likes to reset the PATH when it starts you'll want to edit %USERPROFILE%/.bash_profile (~/.bash_profile if you're in the m-b environment). The m-b default shell is bash 3.1.
    • For git, add the Git/cmd directory instead of the Git/bin directory to avoid any conflicts with the existing tools in the m-b environment.
  4. In m-b's /bin/ directory (or somewhere on your path), you'll want to add a script named 'git' which will invoke the CMD.exe shell script which was installed in step 3:
     import os
     import subprocess
     import sys
     path = "%s\Git\cmd\git.cmd" % os.environ['PROGRAMFILES']
     cmdline = [path]
     git = subprocess.Popen(cmdline)
  1. You should now be able to run git and ocaml directly from the shell
  2. Apply my as-yet-unposted patches
  3. make check