Python Selenium Framework Version 03 - lkkushan101/Python_Selenium_Framework_V3 GitHub Wiki
This is the second version of the Python based test automation framework done. This framework contains the following features
- Excel Driven test automation
- BDD with behave
- JSON based Data Driven
- Can run non - BDD scenarios also
- Allure reporting
- Chrome Headless support
- Web Driver Manager Support
- Image Compare Support
- Online Headless Download Support
- Screen Shot Take Utility
Pre- requisites
- Python 3.7.1 (Latest) installed
- PyCharm IDE
- Install selenium (
- Install openpyxl(Excel) (
- Install behave (
- Install Pytest (
- Install Pytest-allure-adapter (
- Install Pillow (pip install Pillow)
- Install Web Driver Manager (pip install webdriver_manager)