User Bob - lkacoy/webdev-cs5610-project GitHub Wiki

Bob is a BlogWriter. This means that he can write, edit, view, and delete posts. He can also write, edit, view, and delete comments. When Bob logs in, he is redirected to the Profile page (/profile).

On the Profile page, Bob can see 2 additional links. The first one, 'Create a Post', lets Bob create a post. Bob will have to enter a title, post content, and select one of the available topics. He has many options to save the post. He can save a draft, which will let him still access the post on another screen, but it will not publish the post to be viewable by others. He can also publish the post, which means other users can view and comment on his post. Bob also has the option to discard his changes, which means the post will not be saved and he will be redirected to the home screen.

The other link, 'View My Posts', Bob has on his profile page is the ability to see all of the posts that he has created. When he clicks this link he can see his post history and has the option to click on an individual post and see it and the comments. Something to note here is that Bob will see both of his published and unpublished posts. This will allow Bob to navigate to any drafts he may have so that he can finish the post and submit it. On the "View My Posts" screen, published posts are indicated as "Published" with the date whereas draft posts are indicated as "Draft Saved:" with the date.

When Bob clicks on a single post that he is the author of, he will have edit and delete post buttons available to him. The edit button will open up a new screen that will allow him to edit his post and save the new changes. Saving the new changes will immediately update it for all other users to see. Bob also has the ability to delete his post if he does not like it and he will not be able to recover it if he completes this action.

Bob also has the ability to write comments on any post. The functionality for adding, editing, and deleting comments is the same as a BlogFollower.

On the project home page (/home), you will notice that Bob is listed in the Blog Writer section since he is a Blog Writer.

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