User Anonymous - lkacoy/webdev-cs5610-project GitHub Wiki

Anonymous users are users who can visit the site but do not have an account.

When an anonymous user is on the home page, the user can click on the link to go to the Tumblr API search page. There, the user can enter in search criteria and have a list of up to 20 posts (maximum allowed by the API) display underneath the search criteria.

On the home page, the anonymous user can also go to search for blog posts that are stored in the MongoDB database. The user can enter in search criteria such as a topic or a user and the results will display in a table underneath the search bar. The user can then click on any post and the post will render on a new screen. The screen will contain the post title, published date, author of the post, post content, etc.

On the single post view, the user can also see the comments displayed underneath the post. They will be able to see the ability to add a comment, but the functionality itself will be disabled since the user is not logged in.

The anonymous user will not see any options to edit or delete a post or comment on the single post view.