User Admin - lkacoy/webdev-cs5610-project GitHub Wiki

The Admin user is the administrative user in the project. When an admin user logs in, he/she will be redirected to the profile page. An admin user can update the credentials for the account, and add an email or any other personal information that could be needed.

Admin users can search for blog posts. This can be accomplished by clicking the 'Home' link at the bottom of the profile page. This will redirect the admin user to the home page of the website and they should see information about blog users or recent posts. The admin user can click the links in these sections and will be redirected to view. If the admin user clicks on a post, the blog post will be displayed with information about who wrote the post, the date it was published, and the post itself.

The admin user will also be able to see the comments for a particular post underneath it. For each comment, the admin user will be able to a trash can (delete) button next to the comment author's name. If an admin user sees a particular comment that they do not approve of, the admin user has the ability to delete the comment. Upon deleting the comment, the page will reload, displaying the blog post and the list of comments (without the newly deleted comment).

The admin user can also delete a blog post if it is deemed inappropriate. In the upper right hand corner, a red trash can button should appear. If an admin user clicks this button, the post will be deleted and the page will be redirected to the home screen.

On the Profile screen, the admin will have access to a link titled "Admin" at the bottom of page. Clicking this link will navigate the admin to the "Admin Console" screen. The admin should see a list of all the users registered with the site in a table. The first row of this table will allow the admin to create a new user by filling out all of the fields and clicking "Create User" under "Actions".

The admin can also edit any individual user displayed in this table. For example, the admin can update the personal information for user alice. When the admin is ready to submit the information, select the green "Edit" button. A confirmation of the update will be required before the user is updated in the database. Upon a successful update, the Admin console page will be reloaded.

On the Admin Console page, an admin can also delete a user. In the table under "Actions" each table row has a red "Delete" button. Once the admin finds the user to delete, he/she should select this button. The admin will see a confirmation pop up asking to confirm that this is the user he/she wishes to delete. Upon confirmation, the selected user will be deleted and the admin user will receive an alert when the deletion is completed.