Use Case 2 Search for Domain Objects - lkacoy/webdev-cs5610-project GitHub Wiki
Tumblr API
On the project home page, there is some text indicating that you can "Search some blogs from Tumblr here!" This will lead you to a page dedicated to searching for Tumblr posts. From here, you can search for any search criteria that you wish (ex: Disney World). The Tumblr API limits the number of posts that will be returned, returning a maximum of 20 posts. If you do not provide a number for the "Number of Results", the default returned will be 20. If you provide a number, then that number of results will be returned.
After clicking search, the call will be made to Tumblr and up to 20 results related to your post search will be returned in a table below the search bar. From there, you can click on any individual post using the "View Blog Info" button. Alternatively, you can leave the website and click on the "Link to Tumblr" which will open the individual post in Tumblr.
Database implementation
On the project home page, click the "Search for Posts" button. This will take you to a search page that will allow you to query the blog posts stored in my database. You can enter in search criteria for the Topic, Post Name, and username. It is important to note that you would need to know the entire post name in order to search by it and at this time, it is case sensitive. Click "Search" to execute the search.
The easiest search right now is to search by the topic "Travel" since there are multiple posts in that category by both Bob and Dan. Perform this search to see that. After, add a username "dan" to the username field. Hit Search again. You will see that the posts written by Bob are no longer visible in the search results.