Use Case 10 Edit Users with an Admin - lkacoy/webdev-cs5610-project GitHub Wiki

Log in as an admin (credentials: admin/admin). This will navigate you to the Profile page. At the bottom of the Profile page is a link titled "Admin". Click this link. This will navigate you to the Admin Console. On this page, a list of all users of the site will appear in a table. The table displays the username, password, first name, last name, email and role of each user. All of these fields are editable. Update any fields you desire on a particular row. (ex: update alice's email).

In the "Actions" column of each row is a green "Edit" button. When you finish updating the user, click it. You will be asked to confirm if you really want to update the user. Click "OK". This will update the record in the database and page will reload to show the updated user information in the table.