Test Specification - ljackl/BubbleTrouble GitHub Wiki

Bubble Trouble Open Project Unit Test Suite

Test Case ID Test Case Description Input Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass/Fail Tested By
BulletTest isOutOfYFrame Checking to see if bullet is out of range Pat
BubbleTest popBubble Checks the bubble can pop Bubbles popstate Popped Pat
testReboundBottomOrTop Checks the bubble can rebound from top and bottom Bubbles velocity Reduced velocity Jack
testReboundSides Checks the bubble can rebound from both sides Bubbles velocity Reduced velocity Jack
GameTest runningTest Checks the game can run and close Games State Game to not be running Pat
pushStateTest Checks the pushState function pushes games state Game State A pushed game state Pat
popStateTest Checks the popState function pops(deletes)games state Game State A deleted game state Pat
changeStateTest Checks the changeState function changes the game states Game State A changed game state Pat
fireBulletTest Checks a bullet is created when a player fires Fire button A created bullet Jack
isIntersectingTest Checks that the method returns true when shapes intersect Two intersecting shapes TrueIntersection Jack
MenuTest handleClickTest Checks the methods recognises a click Click on a buttonClick not on a button Returns actionReturns nothing