Gesture Tracker (Unity3D), the simplest - ljDevelopment/ljGestureTracker GitHub Wiki

The simplest gesture tracker

To track and interpret mouse / drag strokes to 4 directions.

Android: TRY IT

How to integrate...

  1. Create your code, options:
  • From empty, create a behaviour that inherits from GTParser.
  • Modify the code of the class GTDemoInterpreter.
  1. Implements the method: protected abstract void Do (GTGestureTracker tracker, int index, bool ended);
  2. Add your behaviour to an object in your project.
  3. Add to the project hierarchy the prefab: Plugins/GTGetureTracker/assets/prefabs/Gesture
  4. Drag the object 'Gesture/Canvas/gestureTracker" to the attribute 'Tracker' of your behaviour.

You can customize the elements in its hierarchy.

Toggle stroke drawing: add / remove the component in the hierarchy Gesture/Canvas/gestureTracker -> Line Drawer


This is the method you need to override to manage the gesture tracker events. It is invoked each time the tracker identifies a new direction.

protected abstract void Do (GTGestureTracker tracker, int index, bool ended);

  • tracker: the tracker object.
  • index: the index of the list Patterns that matches with the input, -1 if no matching.
  • ended: true, if the drawing finished, false in other case.


2016-04-23: 1.0.0:

  • First release.