BAMFEP wiki - lizzard/BAMF GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the BAMF wiki!
What we’re working on
Prototyping shields and other PPE. Making face shields and other equipment and delivering it directly to health care workers.
Health care workers
- Prototype testers
- HCW who are taking batches of shields
- Requests for Visor Style Face Shields for Neil's and Joona
Neil's Shields Pipeline
- Design and components, Instructables
- Sourcing for materials: Danny Beesley
- Shield cutting - m0xy labs. Atticus and crew.
- Visors, 2 part, CNC at Neil's CNC. Shiny Rachel and crew.
- Silicone bands are at Ace Monster Toys AMT. No cutting needed.
- Foam strips - at AMT. May sometimes need cutting at AMT.
- Boxes (for kit shipping/delivery)
- Assembly at AMT.
- Safety protocol doc
- Crafty Avengers, Crafty Rachel and crew Inventory, Kit Calculator, Daily Kit records
- Delivery
- Dames Don't Care FB | Request delivery
- Clover and crew
Joona's disposable shields
- Fundraising: GoFundMe
- Address (for delivery)
- Link to process/design/materials
- windows cut by atticus
- foam is delivered to and cut at Joona's
- double stick tape
- attach elastic band
- No visors
- Requests spreadsheet for Joona's
Testing and Feedback
- Teresa Hernandez and crew
List of projects to describe
So far I have the pipeline info for Neil's but not others.
- Reusable face shields - Neil's CNC design (Neal’s CNC, m0xy, AMT)
- Reusable face shields - 3D printed design (Laney FabLab)
- Disposable face shields - (Joona Fabriculture Artisan Curtains and Upholstery)
- Mask sewing (Crafty or a crew of folks?)
Other groups doing similar work
We are cooperating with lots of these.
- MakeMePPE - Ashley C.
- MakeMePPE's spreadsheet Alameda/SF Bay all PPE requests pending and fulfilled.
- GetMePPE (national)
- MakerNexus, San Jose
- Helpful Engineering
- BAFSS (Noisebridge based?)
- Dames Don't Care (delivery in Bay Area) contact Lucy
- Bay Area PPE all bay area, Sal Bednarz
- (Madeline Cunningham, contact)
- FB group: Shannon, Rachel McConnell, Gerard
- Fundraising: Shannon's gofundme
- Expenses and bookkeeping: Elizabeth Yin
- Project management: Audrey, Liz, Crafty
- Form for volunteer intake
- AMT members - help Crafty
- Drivers
- Joona can use help for assembly
- Neil's needs help for gluing.